The headline and first paragraph of your article “Citing existing measures, U. declines to join higher education initiative by Obama ’85” are false. In fact, President Eisgruber has been in communication with the White House about the University’s support for efforts to educate more low-income students and about its own increasing efforts to attract more low-income students to Princeton and ensure that they flourish here.
Bob Durkee ’69
Vice President and Secretary
Editor-in-Chief's response:
The Dec. 3 article "Citing existing measures, U. declines to join higher education initiative by Obama’85" initially reported that the University was not planning on participating in the White House initiative. This was based on information learned in interviews with senior University administrators. Following publication of the article, University Vice President and SecretaryRobert Durkee’69 submitted a Letter to the Editor indicating that the University was, in fact, in conversations with the White House about the initiative. The online version of this article has been updated to reflect this information.
Luc Cohen’14
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