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Gift Guide: Roommate

Shaving Kit/Skin Products, $15-$36,Origins

For the roommate who has used more of your aftershave or lotion than you have, take advantage of the many holiday deals going on and purchase them a set of toiletries all their own. Feel free to passive-aggressively write their name on the front in all caps.


Closet Organizer, $10-$30,Target/Amazon

If you’ve grown tired of stepping through a maze of sweaters and jeans in order to reach your bed, help your roommate make a change in the new year with this more practical gift. Offer some gentle encouragement by filling each compartment with candy or a kind message.

Gift Certificate, favorite restaurant on Nassau Street

Suggest some quality roomie bonding time at Winberie's or Blue Point Grill. Hopefully, they’ll get the hint and you’ll both get a nice meal out of your gift.