Your coverage of my Stafford Little Lecture, “Academia Online,” contains a serious error. I did not say that online education has encouraged state legislatures to curb funding for public institutions. On the contrary, as I said in the lecture, there is strong evidence that intelligent use of online technologies can encourage state legislators to be more generous to public universities than they would have been otherwise. (An endnote to my talk —to be available soon on the ITHAKA website —contains a strong statement to this effect by the very able chancellor of the University System of Maryland, William “Brit” Kirwan.) Cuts in state funding for public higher education are a serious matter, but they are caused by factors other than advances in technology. Wrongheaded uses of minimalist versions of online technology can tempt governors to try and use technology to provide education “on the cheap” —but these temptations can and should be resisted, as all of us work to find more and more effective ways to use technology to improve educational outcomes in cost-effective ways.
William G. Bowen GS ’58President Emeritus, Princeton University