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Letter to the Editor: Why no Bible used at Eisgruber's installation?

It was with surprise, and a great deal of sadness, that I read "No Bible would be used in the Sept. 22 installation of Princeton President Christopher L. Eisgruber" (The Daily Princetonian, Sept. 19, 2013).Ienthusiastically supported Eisgruber's selectionas president. He isa gifted constitutional scholar, and his many years as provost made him,in my view,theideal candidate for the position.

I assumed Eisgruber was a liberal, as arevirtually all academics atPrinceton, but I believed his core values and beliefs were strong and that he valued and respected the history andtraditions of the University. With dismay Inow realize that Eisgruber's decisions are controlled by the prevailing political correctness that permeates the Princeton University campus.



Beverly T. Elston

Princeton, N.J.