The Daily Princetonian’s focus on data that is procured through the electronic delivery of a number of student services on campus is appreciated. As we know, electronic data has become pervasive in our world, including on the Princeton campus.
The headline and graphic of the Oct. 18 article, however, suggest the University tracks student movements on campus and does not have policies in place that limit the access and use of data associated with services provided to students. In fact, University administrators are not tracking student movements, and the utilization of data related to students’ use of services is covered by University policies.
For example, there is an existing data policy that strictly controls access and usage of data that is being applied to the new keyless lock system pending the addition of a specific reference to the new system in the existing policy.
The University has policies in place that cover different types of data and restrict the availability of data to specifically authorized individuals to enable them to provide services to students. Policies explicitly prohibit University administrators from searching data without specific reasons and necessary authorization.
The University is committed to protecting student data appropriately under existing policies. The integrity of these policies is of great importance, and protection of student privacy is one of the goals of the strict rules governing access to and use of the data.
Treby Williams
Assistant Vice President for Safety and Administrative Planning