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Editorial: Toward stronger editorials

Today, instead of an editorial, the Editorial Board would like to inform you of a decision we have made after much discussion and contemplation. We would like to take this opportunity to explain our reasoning so that one is not struck with an utter sense of abandonment, disappointment and shock upon opening next Wednesday’s paper — yes, you will find a column where an editorial once was. We have decided to publish two editorials per week, instead of three. We see many benefits in this “downsize,” and we are excited to make this shift.

The Editorial Board’s purpose is to take a stand on issues facing our campus and the University. In reality, these issues are limited — given our small campus and the fact that institutional change occurs slowly, we feel that we have the capacity to address the majority of issues with two editorials per week. By valuing quality over quantity, we will be able to better focus on broader-based, higher-impact editorials. We want to devote our time and energy to stronger, more substantial editorials. Additionally, this downsize will allow us to discuss and debate ideas more in-depth in our limited weekly meeting time to ensure that we are fulfilling our purpose as best we can.


Most importantly, this decision will help further our goal of providing the highest-quality material for Princeton discourse. With this change, the Board will be able to focus more on commentating on broader issues relevant to our generation. Over the past few weeks, we have written about the controversy over Muslim Student Associations, political activism and affirmative action. These are the types of topics we would like to devote more energy to because they are not only relevant to us as Princeton students, but can also help give us a broader perspective on where we fit into the issues facing our country and world. These topics require greater attention, and we are confident that by devoting more attention and discussion to them in our meetings, we will be able to more fully understand them and come to a more cohesive and thorough position to add to campus discourse. We will continue to be The Daily Princetonian’s voice on matters relating to Princeton-specific events and policies.

It is our sincere hope that you will continue to read and make this transition with us. We would love to hear your suggestions.


The Editorial Board          

Britt Sanders ’13 — Chair

Matt Arons ’13    Zeit Cai ’13


Xiang Ding ’13    Evan Larson ’13

Connor Mui ’14    Daphna Le Gall ’15

Ray Chao ’15       Brandon Holt ’15

Ethan Jamnik ’15  Varun Sharma ’15

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