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Editorial: Speaking responsibly

The SOPA/PIPA controversy demonstrated a new form of political activism through social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Indeed, these outlets have become new avenues for people to send and receive information. The rapid spread of popular revolution can be attributed in part to the availability of social media. People not only trust their Facebook newsfeed to keep them informed about current events but also to galvanize political and social movements. With that in mind, we should and must be conscious about what we deem a legitimate news source.

Because we have more influence than we think, we also have an obligation to know and understand what we are talking about when we comment on current events. Princeton teaches us to research thoroughly, evaluate both sides of the argument and use reliable sources. However, we neglect to apply these standards when commenting on current events. When we do this, we cloud the facts and contribute to the confusion surrounding certain issues. Given both the influence social media has on society and our ability to shape social media, we have to be cautious both about the sources we trust and what information we choose to disseminate.


While any kind of interest in current events is better than none, we must be aware of the negative impact that uninformed political commentary can have on society. If we choose to rely on unreliable sources or fail to fact check before commenting on current events then, because of our influence, we can actually harm the debate. Being uninformed and taking action can be worse than taking no action at all.

As students in a constantly changing world, we have a unique power to change society for the better through our words and our actions. We must use our influence wisely by remaining well informed and educated. Some student activities and organizations on campus are already encouraging political activism. In both of these venues and on an individual basis we could do more to apply standards for better dialogue in social media and beyond.