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Editorial: JSTOR for all

According to the JSTOR website, the program is still expanding and applications from new schools are welcomed. Thus, the Editorial Board encourages the University to work with the Alumni Association and the Library in order to join the Pilot program and provide JSTOR access to Princeton alumni. While some alumni will admittedly continue on after graduation to other academic institutions that make JSTOR available to their own students, the bulk of graduating seniors will be unable to continue to use the service with which they have become familiar during their time here. For some alumni, JSTOR access might prove extremely useful for work-related matters; for others, it may simply be a means of sustaining interest in academic matters despite no longer being enrolled in an academic program.

In either case, providing alumni access to JSTOR is continuous with the Library’s policy of making its resources available to alumni in addition to students and faculty. Currently, the Library offers free library access cards to all alumni and discounts the price of a borrower’s card by 50 percent. The Board believes that these programs are an important part of maintaining a strong and meaningful relationship with alumni, and we recommend that the University work to add JSTOR access to the resources made available to them. Our alumni, and the strong ties we have with them, are among our most valuable resources at Princeton, and we feel that it is important that we provide for them the widest variety of academic resources that can feasibly be offered. We do not cease to be members of the Princeton community when we graduate, and it is appropriate for the University to continue providing us with academic support as alumni.


Participating in the Pilot program would certainly have some costs, as student and faculty JSTOR subscriptions are not free. Nonetheless, the enrollment of many other universities in the program indicated that the costs are not excessive; we believe they would be well within reason for the University and that the benefits provided would certainly be worth the costs. Princeton has always maintained one of the strongest alumni ties of any university in the country, and we feel that participating in this program will be another step forward in maintaining that essential relationship.