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Editorial: To our reader

Over the past year, you may have come to know us for our thrice-weekly missives on topics of no interest to any of you, and for our signature Friday editorials — the Editorial Board strongly supports hangovers on Friday mornings. You may wonder how it could be possible to acquire enough expertise in such a variety of topics to regularly write well-argued, informed, and interesting editorials. As a matter of fact, so do we.

 We are willing to share some of our tricks, though. Some editorial topics, for example, just keep on giving. A year ago, for example, we endorsed a plan for reforming the Pass/D/Fail policy. The administration adopted the plan, but — perhaps even with our well-being in mind! — they failed to implement it exactly to our liking. I mean, we couldn’t NOT say anything, and one edit was turned into two. In our zeal to perfect the Princeton way of life, no tweak is too small, no problem too meaningless. Next fall’s P/D/F edit is already in preparation.


Indeed, the sacrifices we make for this campus are often overlooked. We boldly took on the Office of Career Services, criticizing the overabundance of consulting and finance jobs available on TigerTracks. The memory of that shining moment of selfless advocacy — and the resulting damage to our careers— will surely nourish us as we spend our post-graduate years working at coffee shops across the country.

The ingratitude we sometimes receive in return disappoints us, though. The Office of Sustainability had to wait until after we’d commended their sensitivity to students’ privacy before they plastered the walls of dorms with posters promising a public shaming of those who failed to pull the plug. We did consider that they merely wanted to give us the opportunity to reap two edits out of one meager issue, but we weren’t that desperate — this time.

With such tireless advocates at your back, you may indeed wonder why your life isn’t completely perfect??!!!1 Why haven’t we already solved every problem on campus? Don’t be ridiculous—that’s the administration’s fault. We’ve already given them all the solutions, but they haven’t followed our instructions closely enough. Don’t believe us? Witness the lack of Ph.D. placement statistics… oh wait… Well, what would you know — it’s not like you read our art anyway.