In future years, the administration should create a website for students to request tickets. Since some students do not plan to have more than one or two guests, there would be extra tickets left over for those students who would prefer to have more guests attend the ceremony. The University could then redistribute all of the tickets from students who requested fewer than five to those students who requested more. The distribution process should ensure that everyone who requests five tickets receives them before anyone receives a sixth, that everyone who requests six receives them before anyone receives a seventh, and so on. If at the end of this iterative process there are fewer tickets remaining than requests, students should be chosen by a randomized lottery to receive the leftover tickets.
The new system could also account for unexpected cancellations and for unforeseen requests. After the initial distribution of tickets, students’ plans may change, with old guests backing out and new guests wishing to attend. In order to accommodate these situations, the University could hold a second distribution process, closer to the actual date of Commencement, in which students could rescind ticket requests or make additional ones, following the same rules outlined above.
In order to make this system simpler, it would be necessary for the University to distribute the actual paper tickets only after both ticket selection processes were complete. If paper tickets were issued from the beginning, the process of reassigning tickets would be more laborious, undermining the system. Altogether, a new ticket distribution system such as this would be fairer and less stressful for many seniors and their families, decreasing the need for students to trade tickets at the last minute to accommodate their guests.