Regarding “Terrace may open doors to graduated students” (Friday, Nov. 12, 2010):
The Graduate School Government follows with interest the possibility of Terrace Club extending membership to graduate students, and the articles in the ‘Prince’ on this issue.
We would welcome such a move as a step forward in the integration and acceptance of graduate students in the University. Graduate students constitute one-third of the overall student population, but the existing social rubric leads many undergraduates to regard their older colleagues as the “other.” The relaxation of artificial social boundaries would lead to a richer campus experience for both undergraduate and graduate students, and acceptance of graduate students by eating clubs would encourage this.
We also note with concern the negative perceptions held by some undergraduates as implied by the editorial of Nov. 8 that noted that graduate students would “undermine the sense of community” and “degrade the experience” for existing undergraduate members. As the editorial then correctly stated, the subset of graduate students who would be interested in joining an eating club are unlikely to want to substantially change the experience. In addition, the number of graduate students who stand to benefit from joining an eating club is likely to remain small.
The GSG is actively working with the administration to help expand the dining and social options available to all graduate students and the broader campus community, and we welcome the contribution of eating clubs to this important endeavor.
Khee-Gan Lee
GSG Communications Director
(The writer is a former columnist for The Daily Princetonian.)