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Letter to the Editor: October 25, 2010

Discriminatory practices not reason for ROTC’s status as outside organization

Regarding: “Reevaluating ROTC” (Friday, Oct. 22, 2010):


Your editorial incorrectly suggests that ROTC is considered an “outside organization” because of the conflict between its discriminatory practices and the University’s policy on non-discrimination. The reason that ROTC is considered an outside organization is because it is an outside organization: The ROTC program is sponsored, operated and controlled by the U.S. Army, not by the University.

The University entered into an agreement with the Army in 1972 so that students interested in preparing for military service would be able to do that on campus. Over the years, the University has expressed its concern about the military’s policy of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and its hope that this policy would be overturned. As you point out, if the Army does, in fact, adopt a policy of non-discrimination consistent with the University’s policy, opportunities to train for positions of leadership in this form of the nation’s service would be opened to students who previously would not have had those opportunities and a significant conflict between Army policy and University policy would be eliminated. This would not change the status of ROTC as an outside organization, but it would be a very welcome development.

Robert Durkee ’69

University Vice President and Secretary