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Editorial: Streamlining thesis access

As a starting point, many advisers recommend that advisees read award-winning theses relevant to their topic. Unfortunately, the amount of effort required to access prior theses is often a disincentive for students to actually do so. Currently, students must visit Mudd Manuscript Library during its relatively limited hours of operation and create an account with the library. Students are then asked to store all of their belongings in a locker, except for essential research materials, while a library attendant searches for the requested thesis. This is an unnecessarily complicated process that is ripe for improvement.

Beginning this year, students should be asked to submit a PDF version of their senior thesis along with the printed copies required by their department. These files could be uploaded to a searchable database on the Mudd Library website that would be accessible to all currently enrolled students. By ensuring that senior theses are easily available to students who seek access to them, the University would be encouraging students to model their independent work on that of exceptional prior students. Mudd Library, in conjunction with the Office of Information Technology, is already considering the creation of a digital repository for doctoral dissertations. Mudd should consider incorporating senior theses into this effort.


While digitizing theses beginning this year would require little effort on the part of the University, retroactively digitizing theses from prior years may be a more labor-intensive process. Nevertheless, it is a worthwhile long-term effort.  Rather than begin to upload past theses chronologically, prize-winning theses should be given priority for digitization and uploading to the online database. Recent alumni could also be encouraged to resubmit their theses in PDF format.

Currently, students and researchers can request that a prior senior thesis be digitized, but those seeking the thesis must pay for the digitization process. By ensuring that all future theses are digitized and that past prize-winning theses are made available online, the University can enable students to quickly and easily gain access to a valuable research tool.