Movement in the right direction for the LGBT community
Regarding “Queering the census” (Monday, March 21, 2010):
As a gay alum who just completed the census with my partner, I applaud Brenda Jin and Johannes Muenzel for their column, “Queering the census.” Their opinion, the support from students for this position and the publication by the ‘Prince’ show how far Princeton has come with respect to the LGBT community.
The LGBT community is invisible to the federal government until it comes time to pay taxes. As we completed the census ourselves, we were reminded that we are tax-paying citizens and yet are denied the same basic rights of equality and protections that are taken for granted by heterosexual couples. Is that right? Counting LGBT relationships and families will help move this country to recognize full equality for all its citizens.
Alex Beal ’89
Porn column lacks sexually explicit illustrations
Regarding “Why we are screening pornography” (Wednesday, March 10, 2010):
I’m surprised that Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux ’11 allowed her column to be published without any graphic illustrations or embedded videos. After all, how are we supposed to judge her argument about the nature of pornography if it is true that “porn is a visual medium that needs to be seen to be understood”? By neglecting to include these essential supplementary materials, Thomson-DeVeaux has demonstrated an incomplete commitment to needless provocation and, worse yet, an inconsistent application of an unconvincing argument.
Matthew Schmitz ’08