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Debating: A Princeton tradition

Maybe you’ve heard of the Senate debates sponsored by Whig-Clio, that mysterious entity with the newly remodeled building on campus. Few people know much about Whig-Clio, so allow me to give a primer, for its history is truly fascinating. The American Whig-Cliosophic Society began as two separate organizations: the American Whig Party (liberals, broadly construed), of which James Madison and Aaron Burr were founding members, and the Cliosophic Party (conservatives). Founded in the 1760s, these societies played a formative role in the lives of some of our Princetonian Founding Fathers.  

Flourishing as the only extracurricular and social venues available for some time, Whig and Clio enrolled nearly every student on campus. Students debated each other, practiced their written and verbal oratory and cultivated a fierce inter-party rivalry, launching “Paper Wars” in which one society would write comical and disparaging poems about the other. By the 20th century, as athletic teams, eating clubs and other student organizations became an increasingly prominent part of campus life, the parties declined; in 1928, they merged, adopting Whig Hall as their home base.


The legacy of the golden days of Whig-Clio lives on in two organizations subsumed within the Society: the Senate and the Woodrow Wilson Honorary Debate Panel. The Senate sponsors public debates on a variety of issues, including popular ones on the war in Afghanistan and grade deflation — an event in which Dean Malkiel participated. The debates tend to occur once a month, if not every other week, in the Senate Chamber of the newly renovated Whig Hall. Audience members are allowed to chime in and are encouraged to pound their desks or chairs to punctuate good arguments. If you haven’t yet attended one of these debates, I encourage you to consider it.

The Woodrow Wilson Honorary Debate Panel sponsors a number of endowed (read: cash prizes!) debates throughout the year, with most set to occur in the coming months. Our next debate is Feb. 20, Alumni Day, when one freshman will pair with one senior to face a team of one sophomore and one junior. All are encouraged to attend the preliminary try-outs on Saturday, Feb. 13 — no debate experience necessary. Look for posters around campus.  

So why attend or participate in these debates? First, you’ll get to enjoy a Princeton tradition two-and-a-half centuries in the making. Maybe the ghost of James Madison will pay you a visit — I imagine he’s a friendly ghost. Second, it’s one of the luxuries of life as a college student. Looking forward to the future, when will we have the chance to simply — and just for the sake of it — discuss and debate ideas and current events with each other in a public setting? Or if you’re not up for debating, listen to our peers discuss and debate these issues in low-stakes settings? Most of our exposure to these kinds of debates will come from the mass media and its many talking heads, many of whom may have other agendas. Whig-Clio debates exist for the intellectual fun of debating.

Third, Whig-Clio debates allow Princeton students to cultivate important skills. Many benefits come with having the ability to craft a compelling argument; Whig-Clio debates provide a forum for that. There is value to having our views challenged and, through argument, strengthened; Whig-Clio debates provide a forum for that. In order to succeed in our endeavors and contribute meaningfully to society, it’s important to be able to speak publicly; Whig-Clio debates provide a forum for that.  

These are all reasons to consider becoming involved with Whig-Clio’s debates. In addition, it’s fun to recognize that debating and political rivalry are in a Princetonian’s blood. I urge you to take part. If not now, when?

Molly Alarcon is a Wilson School major from Mill Valley, Calif., and is also a former president of Whig-Clio. She can be reached at