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Editorial: The urge to merge

The arguments in favor of a merger are straightforward. Each municipality has its own police force, municipal staff and public works department. By combining each of these divisions, a new government could spend less on labor and operating costs. This would reduce the tax burden on Borough and Township residents — a benefit that cannot be overstated given New Jersey’s high tax rates.  

The arguments against a merger are less compelling. Borough residents point to a cultural divide between themselves and those living in the Township, who are stereotyped as wealthy commuters. It is argued that those living in the Township are less invested in the local community and that allowing them to govern could cause the Borough to lose its small-town charm. But there is no reason to believe that those residents who are involved in governing the Township are any less committed to their community than members of the Borough Council. Even if these concerns do have merit, they must be weighed against the much more tangible financial considerations that favor consolidation.


It remains to be seen what effects a merger would have on the University community. One obvious benefit of consolidation would be to make the voter registration process easier for students. Currently, the Borough-Township dividing line bisects Forbes and Whitman colleges, meaning that students are sometimes forced to re-register to vote in a different municipality if changing rooms from year to year causes them to live on opposite sides of the line. This arrangement creates headaches for voters and those in charge of “Get Out the Vote” efforts. Less certain is the impact a consolidated town government would have on campus safety and the town’s alcohol enforcement strategy. Though the Borough has historically been unwilling to provide immunity to those seeking medical help for intoxicated friends, perhaps a new set of eyes from the Township could lead to a change in policy.  

In the coming months, the commission will likely answer many of the questions students and community members have about the merger — how much could be saved, how much taxes might change and how the change could affect public works and other services of municipal government in the area. Hopefully, the commission will find that consolidation can achieve the savings that its proponents have promised. In the meantime, this board encourages students and the administration to take an active role in the debate to ensure that consolidation, if it occurs, is in the best interests of the University community.