Regarding “Precept size rule more strictly enforced ” (Friday, Oct. 2, 2009):
I would like to commend Tasnim Shamma ’11’s article, “Precept size rule more strictly enforced” of Oct. 2, 2009, as very well written and researched. I would like to stress a single point, however, particularly in view of some of the “comments” under the article’s digital edition. Graduate students in the humanities do, in fact, wish to leave Princeton and find jobs. Whether they can do so in a given year depends on the job market, which since the recent financial crash has been dire. We are asking for the return of canceled teaching opportunities (which were always assumed as de facto during the recruitment process) so that we might ride out temporary market conditions with health care. We are not demanding extra support in order to write at a more leisurely pace. The interested reader might consult a distinguished 1993 report by a former president of Princeton, William Bowen, “In Pursuit of the Ph.D.,” which demonstrates that increasing financial support does not delay but rather speeds time to Ph.D. completion.
David Russell GS
Family of Eliot Kalmbach ’09 thanks the University community for its support
Regarding “Eliot Kalmbach ’09 dies in fall ” (Thursday, Sept. 24, 2009):
My family and I would like to thank everyone, especially our fellow Princetonians, for letting us know how much Eliot Kalmbach ’09 meant to them. As horrible as this random accident is, we all can know that he died doing what he loved. It is truly touching to see how his adventuresome, fun-loving and kind spirit has touched many of those he met during his adventures around the world, even if they did not know him well. Eliot, I’m sure, would want to remind us that we can pay him the best tribute by doing our best every day to live our lives to the fullest and richest extent possible.
We wanted to encourage Eliot’s friends to visit to watch, read or add on your own tribute to him. Again, thank you to all at Princeton who have done so much for Eliot and our family at this extremely difficult time.
Whitney Kalmbach Moore ’05
UHS encourages University community to get free flu vaccination
Regarding the editorial, “The flu and you” (Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009):
University Health Services appreciated The Daily Princetonian’s editorial encouraging students to follow the University’s influenza guidelines by taking personal responsibility for the health of themselves and their classmates. One of the most effective ways to prevent illness from seasonal influenza is to get a seasonal flu vaccination at the University’s annual FluFest clinic. The third and final seasonal flu clinic will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Oct. 12 in the Frist Campus Center Multipurpose Rooms.
As flu season begins, it is imperative that we all take steps to stay healthy and reduce the spread of illness to the many people on our campus who are at high risk for complications from flu, whether from traditional seasonal influenza or the novel H1N1 virus.
While we were pleased by the unprecedented turnout at the first two days of the seasonal flu clinic last month — with 5,960 people receiving seasonal flu vaccinations — there were many members of our community who did not attend. The vaccines are available free to all faculty, staff and students, and no appointments are necessary. Oct. 12 is the last opportunity for faculty, staff and students to receive a free seasonal flu vaccination, and we hope that members of our community will be responsible in helping to reduce illness on campus this year.
More information about the availability and allocation of the H1N1 vaccine on campus will be provided as it becomes available from state and federal health authorities.
John Kolligian
Executive Director, University Health Services