Since the first appearance of H1N1 on campus in the spring, the University has developed both guidelines for sick students at present and a broad outline for responding to a more serious outbreak. Though these procedures — including self-isolation for symptomatic persons, distribution of flu vaccinations and vigilance on the part of students with pre-existing conditions — align with current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, their implementation relies almost solely on student initiative. Students with flu-like illnesses must commit on their own to notifying McCosh Health Center and their residential college director of student life, staying in their rooms, skipping classes and extracurricular activities, arranging to have food delivered by friends and wearing a mask when going to the bathroom. While these guidelines are sound, this can be a tall order for Princeton students who are not used to changing their schedules for illnesses. For Princeton to be successful in preventing or containing a serious outbreak, students must recognize and act on the fact that personal responsibility is the most important factor in protecting themselves and others.
Personal responsibility has a number of components that students should take seriously. Though students receive an onslaught of e-mails at the start of the year, those related to H1N1 should not be swept aside. It is the duty of students to inform themselves about the actual symptoms of H1N1 — fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose — so they can recognize illness in themselves or friends. Even if they are not symptomatic, students should still take preventative measures like frequent hand washing and choosing not to participate in drinking games with cups that have been previously used. Students who are symptomatic should not hesitate to notify administrators and stay in their rooms, failing to do so puts others, especially those with pre-existing conditions, at risk. Similarly, professors and preceptors should be vocal in encouraging students to self-isolate, even if this means missing important classes, deadlines or exams.
In matters of disease, personal responsibility is a matter of social responsibility: The health and safety of the campus community depends on following these guidelines. Princeton ought to be commended for its planning thus far, but students must now hold up their end of the bargain.