The new and remodeled Viv has substantially improved the eating options available at Frist. It offers an array of organic, vegetarian and vegan foods that are high quality and locally grown. And though healthy food is certainly available elsewhere, the salads, sandwiches and organic pizzas in Cafe Viv are often better suited to students with dietary restrictions and health-conscious eaters. In its summer transformation, Viv has become a real option for eating a meal, rather than an outlet for purchasing leftovers and snacks.
For many students, the residential college requirement to purchase a dining hall contract is already a financial imposition. Purchasing additional items at Cafe Viv may not be a viable financial choice, as the cost of local and organic foods is represented in their high prices. Allowing students to use their $5.95 or $6.95 late-meal credit towards Viv’s menu would make buying healthier food a more realistic option.
Opening Cafe Viv for late meal will certainly increase student patronage. In an e-mail to the Editorial Board, Director of Dining Services Stu Orefice explained that Cafe Viv’s current layout would be unable to accommodate the high level of students that take advantage of the late meal program. Orefice noted that one late-meal period brought in as many students as 2.5 full days at Cafe Vivian. But since it is likely that only a minority of late-meal patrons would come to Viv, Dining Services should start a trial period to test its capacity to handle late meal influxes. By implementing such a trial period, Dining Services would be able to gauge student interest in the menu, assess Viv’s capacity and layout and evaluate the best methods for serving a larger number of students. Dining Services could use information gained from this trial period to implement any necessary structural changes to Cafe Viv.
If crowding presents an insurmountable problem to extending late meal to Cafe Viv, Dining Services should incorporate Viv’s food selections into the Frist Gallery. A few of Cafe Viv’s sandwiches are currently featured downstairs, and Dining Services plans to sell more of Viv’s products there in the future. This alternative strategy would make healthy eating more affordable and should be pursued aggressively. If late meal cannot come to Viv, Viv’s products could at least come to late meal.
Dining Services brought the new Cafe Vivian to Frist to enable healthy eating and provide vegans and vegetarians with more options on campus. To fulfill this goal, late meal should be extended to Viv to maximize students’ opportunities to eat healthy with more ease and less cost.