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'Prince' v132.0

If you are reading this in print, you might notice that the 132nd managing board has succeeded in publishing its first issue. If you are reading this online, our hopes are that you are noticing a whole lot more.

Today marks the launch of The Daily Princetonian’s updated website, our new forum for providing electronic content to both our regular readers and to our visitors from around the world. In addition to a new look and feel that is still heavy on the orange and black, now includes photo slide shows, accounts for readers and a story tracker for the most-viewed stories, among other virtual bells and whistles. We aim to present information in ways that will engage our readers, whether dyed-in-the-wool Princetonians or internet visitors from across cyberspace.


The site also seeks to be our platform for you, the reader, to share your views and ideas through features such as comments and polls. Our web presence will continue to evolve in response to the nature of the content that we produce and the continual input we hope to receive from you.

Though we have a new online look, the bedrock principles that have made the ‘Prince’ the staple of campus news for over a century remain unchanged. As generations of reporters, editors, photographers and designers have done before us, we look forward to producing papers that will inform and entertain, challenge and critizice and, hopefully, result in meaningful change. From Nassau Hall to Prospect Avenue to Princeton Stadium, we hope to thoroughly and faithfully document every newsworthy aspect of life at Princeton. Whether on our Opinion page or elsewhere in the paper, no issues should be left unaddressed and no angles should remain unexamined. The priority for the editors of this paper is to ensure that the power of truth on our front page and the power of persuasion on this page be put to good use.

In order to fulfill the potential that this paper has, we, the editors, cannot just consider it our own but must realize that it also belongs more fully to you. Every issue that we publish is dedicated to providing a service to the University community, and it is in part your responsibility as a reader to contribute. Read what we have to say and then respond, whether through a column or letter to the editor or comments on our web site. The ‘Prince’ is a vehicle for your opinions, for the issues that matter to our readers.

The 132nd board is proud to continue the work of the editors who have come before us, and we look forward to engaging with the campus community and further modernizing the way we deliver what we do best.