So that means the big three Ivy teams are likely competing against each other in a game of musical chairs. And when the music stops, if it comes down to Princeton versus Harvard, the Tigers should be the choice.
So that means the big three Ivy teams are likely competing against each other in a game of musical chairs. And when the music stops, if it comes down to Princeton versus Harvard, the Tigers should be the choice.
We strongly disagree with Veronika Kitsul’s recent Opinion piece, in which she argues that the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures must end its Russian language program in Estonia and refrain from sponsoring programs in any post-Soviet states. In attempting to cancel Princeton in Estonia, we damage access to Baltic culture, Russian language study, and ultimately, the world’s chances for peace in the region.
We strongly disagree with Veronika Kitsul’s recent Opinion piece, in which she argues that the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures must end its Russian language program in Estonia and refrain from sponsoring programs in any post-Soviet states. In attempting to cancel Princeton in Estonia, we damage access to Baltic culture, Russian language study, and ultimately, the world’s chances for peace in the region.
To maintain a healthy and safe community, Princeton must do more to inform students of the risks of substances and substance abuse. This includes making information about drug use and use prevention accessible to students—and not just through a website.
To maintain a healthy and safe community, Princeton must do more to inform students of the risks of substances and substance abuse. This includes making information about drug use and use prevention accessible to students—and not just through a website.