It was a crisp, clear Monday morning. A glint of sun spiraled through the West College window of Dean of the College Nancy Malkiel and landed on her desk.
It was the beginning of another fortnight. And on her desk was The Princeton Spectator.
Malkiel frowned as she leafed through the publication, perusing news stories with "no sources" and humor pieces with "no humor" — and then an idea hit her.
She knew what had to be done.
"I myself am no Pulitzer Prizewinning writer," Malkiel said, speaking in her characteristically robotic tone. "But for Christ's sake, when the most original and innovative story in a publication is a question-and-answer with Beth Bogan, you know you've got problems."
Concerned that the Spectator was increasingly representative of the writing abilities of Princeton students, Malkiel immediately got on the phone with President Shapiro and proposed a new writing requirement for all freshmen. And, like that, a Princeton institution was born.
A Spectator editor yesterday disputed Malkiel's claim that the paper was poorly written, and noted that "actually having sources in news stories is an overrated practice of modern journalism."