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Airport Hilton is likely to be home of sixth residential college

University officials' top choice for the location of the sixth residential college is now the Airport Hilton in Newark, trustee Paul Wythes '55 said yesterday.

"We've been having a lot of trouble finding a place in Princeton where we can construct a full-sized residential college without impacting the aesthetic of the University campus," Wythes said. "But that spot already is good-to-go. It's very appealing."


According to Wythes, students rooming at the Hilton would be prohibited from taking advantage of the hotel's smorgasbord of food preparation and room service facilities.

"It's a question of fairness," Wythes explained. "Students in the other colleges won't have those things."

Nevertheless, there will be some perks for the displaced underclassmen. Residents of Hilton College will have access to the hotel's premium channels and adult programming.

"My personal favorite movie has to be the 'Hind-lick maneuver,' " said Hilton desk clerk Dennis Puri.

Because a trustee-commissioned study indicated that the TigerTram is already working above capacity, students living in "Hilty" for their freshman and sophomore years would be transported to and from the Newark campus via the Airporter.

Airporter officials have requested that students purchase tickets in advance and avoid carrying more than one piece of luggage to conserve space.


"And you want to make sure you give yourself plenty of time to make your connections," Airporter spokesman Steven Scher '01 added.

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