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If this brothel's a rockin' . . .

What was once a monastery has now become a "brothel."

Enter through the open door to T2 in the Rockefeller College side of Blair. Pass through a spacious sitting area, then a medium-sized study space and finally find yourself in a room so small that only beds — two sets of bunks pushed together — can fit within its walls.


The residents — Brittany Blockman '03, Anna Evans '03, Anika Binnendijk '03 and Amanda Dennis '03 — are best friends. And Blockman said it all began with room draw last year, late one night.

After finding out their draw time, the girls went to consult with a contractor about T2, the room they had in mind. After discovering its exact dimensions, they decided how they wanted to use the space and then made a pact that they wouldn't go back on the agreement.

Once they arrived at school, however, things didn't go exactly as planned.

They hadn't anticipated the presence of the closet door and the way it would swing, and consequently couldn't arrange the beds the way they wanted, with space in between.

But the roommates said the current furniture configuration adds a little bit of adventure to the bedtime experience.

"It's like a jungle gym in my very own bedroom," Binnendijk said.


And Evans, who sleeps on the top, left bunk performs an acrobatic endeavor every night.

"I nimbly step on Amanda's bed, then on the door knob, then on Anika's bed, then over Anika's feet and then onto my own bed," Evans said.

But despite logistical difficulties and the cacophonous sounding of four separate alarm clocks — which have led them to establish a "no snooze" policy — all four enjoy time spent together in the close quarters.

"We can't wait to get into the brothel every night," the four girls declared in unison.

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"It's like the kinds of forts we used to make as kids," Dennis added.

"You close your eyes, and you're like a little squirrel in your nest," Binnendijk chimed in.

And Evans said, "It's like a slumber party every night."

As for the title of their sleeping space, the girls toyed around with various names and "the brothel" just stuck. Other possibilities included "the orphanage," "the institution" and "the clubhouse."

As to whether news of the brothel has spread around campus, the roommates said they hear random, hushed voices talking about the brothel as they pass by the Blair dorm.

When asked his opinion of the brothel, Austin Merritt '04 — who lives next door to T2 — joked, "It's taking up all my money. As guys go in and out, word'll get out that that's the place to be."

But ironically enough, the brothel is chaste. "It's hard enough to sexile one roommate," Binnendijk said. "Try three."