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Pastor '03 and Tam '03 win prizes for excellence in humanities papers

The Council of the Humanities last week awarded Haarlow Prizes to two undergraduates for outstanding papers written in a 200-level humanistic studies course.

Daniel Pastor '03 and Janice Tam '03 each received the $250 prize for their papers, "The Function of the Myth of Er in Plato's Republic" and "The Spiritual Rungs of Dante's Ladder," respectively.


Abhi Raghunathan '02 earned an honorable mention for his paper, "The Suicide: Two Views of Ajax."

To determine the winners of this award, faculty in humanistic studies nominate excellent papers written by their students during the year.

During the summer, a faculty group chooses the prize recipients.

This year, there were about a dozen nominations. Both Pastor and Tam said they are excited about their awards.

"I just really got into it," Tam said of her paper.