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U-Store proposes expansion to new campus center

The Frist Campus Center may offer students another perk beside the Beverage Lab — a satellite U-Store, according to U-Store president Jim Sykes.

University officials are negotiating with the U-Store about opening a smaller version of the existing facility amid the collection of other shops and student agency offices already planned for the new building, Sykes said. "We are negotiating with the campus [center] and we are hoping we will be able to serve the community," he added.


Sykes and campus center director Paul Breitman have already spoken about possible locations in the new building for the mini U-Store. "We are looking for an area between 500 and 1,000 square feet. Anything smaller than 500 square feet doesn't fit the footprint and anything larger would be another U-Store," Sykes said.

"We hope to offer a variety of items," Sykes said of the satellite store. "It will be like a spirit shop." In addition to carrying school supplies and toiletries, the store would attempt to cater to tourists by offering Princeton souvenirs, Sykes said. "It may not be the least expensive items, but it will be much more convenient" than other souvenir shops, he added.

Though the U-Store does not have a specific time frame for the opening of the satellite shop, Sykes said he hopes the new facility will be in operation by next fall.

According to Vice President and Secretary Thomas Wright '62, the University is still evaluating which organizations will be offered space in the campus center. "It is very likely that dining services, the U-Store, and student agencies will have a presence there," he said. "We will most likely have all of them."

Breitman and Sykes noted that no formal agreement has been reached about the satellite store. "We haven't officially signed anything yet," Sykes said.

Sykes noted that the idea for the new store has been around since the U-Store last signed its lease with the University in 1996.


The U-Store has previously operated a satellite at the Princeton University Stadium and tested a kiosk in the Market Fair mall last spring. The kiosk was a test of U-Store resources to determine the feasibility of running a satellite store, Sykes said. "We are confident with the technology to run a new store" thanks to the trial run, Sykes said.

Sykes said he is optimistic about the possibility of a new store. "We are very excited," he said. "We are doing this to better serve students."

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