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Student alleges unidentified man exposed himself to her on towpath

Public Safety issued a campus crime alert yesterday reporting an incident of alleged lewdness near the towpath adjacent to the Delaware-Raritan canal, according to Public Safety Lt. Donald Reichling.

A female student reported to Public Safety that an unidentified male allegedly exposed himself to her as she was jogging on the towpath. Though the event was reported yesterday, the alleged crime took place Wednesday at about 5:45 p.m., according to Reichling.


Public Safety posted flyers to alert students about the event and to encourage anyone with information to contact Stanhope Hall, he said.

"We distributed [the flyers] to as many areas as possible. We started with the perimeter of the campus," Reichling said. "Then we went to the eating facilities because everyone has to eat."

The suspect — who was described as a white male, approximately 30 years of age, with medium build, medium-length dark hair and possible facial hair — was still at large as of last night. West Windsor Police and Public Safety are investigating the incident, Reichling said.