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New course designation distinguishes dance from other theater classes

The Program in Theater and Dance recently opted to distinguish between theater and dance classes by adding a new code — DAN — to designate dance classes. Previously, all courses in the program were under the designation THR.

In response to the change, students and professors involved in the program expressed excitement and hope about the future of dance at Princeton.


Program director Michael Cadden said he was in favor of the new classification policy as a means of attracting students interested in dance to the University.

Cadden said many of these prospective students may have been discouraged from attending Princeton in the past because searching the University Website for dance courses only yielded a list of the campus dance groups.

In addition, students seeking employment in dance now will have the abbreviation DAN on their transcripts, indicating to potential employers or graduate schools the strictly dance-related nature of the courses, Cadden explained. He described the change as, "beneficial to potential students, present students and future employers."

Dance coordinator Ze'eva Cohen, who requested the course description change, reiterated many of Cadden's sentiments. "We have a great program, and I want it to be known," she said, adding that "this change is not a divorce, but one that is helpful to all interested in both subjects."

Amanda Whitehead '00, who has taken several courses in the theater and dance program, said she is excited about the change and happy that "there is finally an important distinction between the two fields."

Rebecca Lemme '02, another participant in the theater and dance program, said the change is "really good for the dance department." She noted that under the former system, it may have been easier for a new program director to eliminate dance courses.


Cadden added that dance courses will still count for credit and emphasized that the change will have no effect on certificate requirements for the program.

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