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New 'Prince' board debuts with tune-up, daily website

Inheriting a tradition of editorial excellence, the 1999 Managing News Board assumes control of The Daily Princetonian with today's issue.

Leading the newspaper is its 122nd editor-in-chief, Christine Whelan '99. Alexandra Stumm '99 is the business manager.


Realizing that only a superperson could perform the managing editor's job alone, Whelan has split this enormous task between Brian Rokus '99 and Samantha Mazo '99, both of whom will be given the managing editor title. Rokus will generate the ideas that will blossom into stories that Mazo will assign to writers.

Assisting the managing editors will be executive editor Andrea Cohn '99, who will supervise staffing and "Snapshots," the Friday slice-of-life features initiated by the '98 managing board.

Outside of the daily grind, executive editors Reema Abdelhamid '99 and Dori Kornfeld '99 will develop and assign longer projects. Abdel-hamid will edit investigative pieces while Kornfeld will oversee features.

Layout editor Mandy Terc '99, a former news and sports writer, will express her artistic side by designing each day's news pages.

The sports pages will be edited by Jeff Dinski '99, Dave Green '00 and Shirley Wang '99.

The editorial page will be led by Christopher Montgomery '99 and Avani Mehta '99, who will edit the submissions of the Princetonian's columnists and write editorials stating the opinions of the paper's board.


The Thursday Arts section, now called "Culture Shock" will be anchored by arts staffer Marshall Heyman '00 and former news writer Julia Boorstin '00.

News photography will be the domain of Nabarun Dasgupta '00 while sports shots will be supervised by Ileana LaFontaine '99. Lucia Alvarez '00 and Lyndi Wu '00 will serve as associate photography editors.

Taking "Above the Fold," the 'Prince' online edition, into the daily realm at a new address ( will be Will Stevenson '99 and a new staff dedicated to Web publishing.

"We're excited," Whelan said of the new regime. "We have a lot to live up to."

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