In response to a University report on grade inflation over the last 24 years, a front-page article in The New York Times Wednesday entitled "Just Because the Grades Are Up, Are Princeton Students Smarter?" portrayed Princeton as a glorified summer camp where a 4.0 GPA is the norm.
The article did not offer an accurate picture of academic life at the University. Instead, readers received unfair generalizations based on the comments of four students who only referred to a few English classes. Such anecdotal evidence cannot properly represent the University system as a whole.
Our University should not be singled out simply because we chose to investigate a nationwide trend. The New York Times' article was not placed in the proper context: Grade inflation is an issue that affects many universities, and Princeton is by no means the most egregious offender.
The article failed to mention one other hypothesis: Quite possibly, some students work hard and deserve the high grades they earn.