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The Daily Princetonian Vol. 132

The Staff of the Daily Princetonian


Jonathan Zebrowski '09, Editor-in-Chief

Yao Wang '09, Business Manager

2009 Senior News Board

Managing Editors:
Ilya Blanter '09
Angela Cai '09

Executive Editor for Opinion:
Michael Juel-Larsen '09

Executive Editor for Content Development:
Mike Shapiro '09

Executive Editors for Sports:
Jennifer Hart '09
Jake Miller '09
Jason Wu '09

Executive Editors for Street:
Sarah Hogarty '10
Isia Jasiewicz '10

Executive Editor for Web:
Garrett Marcotte '10

Executive Editor for Copy:
Sara Hastings '09

Executive Editors for Design:
Anant Kumar '09
Alex Sun '09

Executive Editors for Photography:
Dan Hayes-Patterson '09
Shin Jae Won '09

Associate Editors for News:
Kate Carroll '09
Tatiana Lau '09
Catherine Mevs '09
Maxwell Weidmann '09

Associate Editor for Opinion:
Barry Caro '09

Associate Editor for Street:
Naomi Nix '10

Associate Editors for Photography:
Jason Chua '10
Jonathan Goh '11
Zachary Ruchman '10
Woongcheol Yang '10

Associate Editors for Design:
Michelle Chen '09
Fawn Jiang '09

2009 Editorial Board

Ken Schwartz '09, Chair
Justin Cahill '11
Christine Emba '10
Arthur Ewenczyk '09
Matthew Halgren '09
Ben Herzberg '10
Joy Karugu '09
Jes Lanney '10
Mary Marshall '10
John Nelson '10
Oliver Palmer '11
William Pickering '11
Daniel Rauch '10
Zayne Siddique '11
Zvi Smith '09
Amanda Tuninetti '11
Jeremy Wolos '09

2009 Managing Business Board

Business Manager:
Yao Wang '09

Sarah Hemmendinger '10

Director of Advertising Sales and Development:
Katie Ko '09

Director of National Advertising:
Devjoy Sengupta '09

Office Manager:
Ankur Patel '09

Senior Advertising Managers:
Kadir Annamalai '09
Lauren Bust '09
Hosham Eltahir '10
Ada Ezenekwe '10
Caroline Shirk '09

Advertising Managers:
David Freifeld '11
Lingzi Gui '10
Aditi Gupta '09
Beverly Hon '09
Sarah Paige '11
Kevin Shiau '09
Dian George Wange '11
Benjamin Weisman '11

Circulation Director:
Tommy Lopez '10

On Campus Circulation Director:
Henry Chu '11

2009 Website Creation Taskforce

Project Engineer and Designer:
Christopher K. Chan '08

Lead Systems Engineer:
Garrett Marcotte '10

Lead Software Developer:
Patrick Wendell '11

Board of Trustees

Richard W. Thaler, Jr. '73, President

John G. Horan '74, Vice President

Thomas E. Weber '89, Vice President

Zachary A. Goldfarb '05, Secretary

Michael E. Seger '71, Treasurer

Craig Bloom '88
Betsy J. Minkin '77
Gregory L. Diskant '70
Jerry Raymond '73
John G. Horan '74
James T. MacGregor '66
Willian R. Elfers '71
Carol Rigolot H'70 H'51
Thomas E. Weber '89
Annalyn Swan '73
Kathleen Kiely '77
Richard P. Dzina, Jr. '85
Douglas J. Widmann '90
Christopher P. Lu '88
Rick Klein '98