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The Daily Princetonian Vol. 130

The Staff of the Daily Princetonian


Chanakya Sethi '07, Editor-in-Chief

Morgan Kennedy '07, Business Manager

2007 Senior News Board

Managing Editors:
Neir Eshel '07
Tom Senn '07

Executive Editor for Opinion:
Anna Huang '07

Executive Editors for Sports:
Todd Ebe '07
Clarke Smith '07
Tyler Woulfe '07

Executive Editors for Street:
Laura Fitzpatrick '08
Isabel Wilkinson '08

Executive Editor for Copy:
Kavita Saini '08

Associate Editors for News:
Christian Burset '07
Alexander Maugeri '07
Sanhita Sen '07
Ellen Young '07

Associate Editors for Street:
Antonia Devine '08
A. Veronica Thew '08

Executive Editors for Photography:
Ben Amster '07
Leslie Lee '07

Associate Editors for Photography:
Katherine Anderson '08
Natalia Balko'07
Sarah Breslow '08
Wes Shim '08

Executive Editor for Design:
Nancy Khov '07

Associate Editor for Design:
Anand Atreya '07
Emily Capra '08
Owen Schaeffer '08

2007 Managing Business Board

Ellen Hukkelhoven '08

Director of Advertising Sales and Development:
Bennett Glassman '08

Director of Online Advertising:
Aaron Prescott '07

Senior Advertising Managers:
Justin Huynh '07
Ann Lee '07
Matt Martin '08
Peter Muller '08

Advertising Managers:
Katie Ko '09
Ralph Schaefer '09
Ankur Patel '09
Devjoy Sengupta '09
Carlos Rodriguez '09
Caroline Shirk '09
Jorge Santana '08
Michael Song '09
Yao Wang '09

Circulation Directors:
Jonathan Lew '07
Michelle Lin '07

Director of Information Technology:
Andrew Ferguson '08

2007 Editorial Board


Robby Braun '07


Jordan Rodriguez '08
Michael Rodriguez '08
Jonah Perlin '07
Jonathan Fluger '08
Ben Massey '07
Scott Moore '08
Matt MacDonald '07
Elizabeth Shutkin '07
Jean Yin '07
Matthew Halgren '09
Ken Schwartz '09
Anna Offit '08
Mary Marshall '10
Babur Khwaja '09

Board of Trustees

Richard W. Thaler, Jr. '73, President

James T. MacGregor '66, Vice President

Richard P. Dzina, Jr. '85, Vice President

Douglas J. Widmann '90, Secretary

Michael E. Seger '71, Treasurer

Craig Bloom '88
Christopher P. Lu '88
Gregory Conderacci '72
Betsy J. Minkin '77
Gregory L. Diskant '70
Jerry Raymond '73
John G. Horan '74
William H. Rentschler '49
Willian R. Elfers '71
Carol Rigolot
Barton D. Gellman '82
Annalyn Swan '73
Kathleen Kiely '77
Thomas E. Weber '89
Donald C. Stuart III '63, Trustee Emeritus
Richard K. Rein '69, Trustee Emeritus

Senior Writers

Brett Amelkin '08
Viola Huang '08
Jeff Bernstein '08
Regina Lee '08
Sophia Dwosh '08
Ross Liemer '08
Jennifer Epstein '08
Trent Magruder '08
Mike Gallo '08
Karl Micka-Foos '08
Arielle Gorin '08
Tim Petrella '07
Katherine Hamilton '08
Michael Siliciano '08
Ashley Wolf '08