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Letter to the Editor: Standing in solidarity with Charlottesville

To the University of Virginia and the Charlottesville Community:

In the spirit of diversity and justice, members of the Princeton University Class of 2021 stand in solidarity with the students, family, and community members who were affected by the tragic events that occurred in Charlottesville on August 11th and 12th. We condemn the racism, anti-Semitism, and violence that took place. We acknowledge the senseless death of Heather Heyer and the injury of others as consequences of domestic terrorism, and we condemn such in the strongest terms. Civil rights activist and University of Virginia alumnus Robert F. Kennedy once said, “America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity.” In the wake of the intolerance displayed during the Charlottesville protests, we must embrace our diversity and stand together regardless of race, religion, identity, or political affiliation.


The recent campaign by white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville is a strong wake-up call to the dangers of bigotry. We respect everyone’s right to voice opinions, no matter how controversial; however, violence and its incitement will not be tolerated. Furthermore, we believe it is crucial for our community to condemn unequivocally the brutality demonstrated by white supremacists, given that these actions counter both our country’s and our University’s values of inclusion, equal opportunity, and respectful dialogue.

Moreover, we commend the University of Virginia community for standing firmly against vitriol and triumphing over hate. Your counter-protest has reminded the country of what the First Amendment truly represents: an inherent right crucial to creating a better America. Through these means, you have not only safeguarded our core American values, but used them to promote justice.

As students of an institution with a notoriously exclusionary past, we acknowledge our responsibility to uphold the sanctity of education by ensuring a safe and cooperative community. We must use education — in and out of the classroom — as a device to further our society. This goal can only be accomplished through the open expression of meaningful opinions and distinct perspectives. The horrendous events in Charlottesville and divisive rhetoric that has emerged in their aftermath are examples of the hatred that prevents our society from advancing. We support the freedom and necessity to educate and be educated; we wish to encourage the University of Virginia Class of 2021 to do exactly that, despite the current circumstances. We all have a duty to denounce hatred and to champion the true goal of education: progress.

America is a land welcome to all — white nationalists will not change that. Civil society cannot prosper under closed-minded ideas of superiority and exclusion; rather, these dated notions only promote ignorance, fear, and resentment. We wish to encourage the University of Virginia and Charlottesville community to continue displaying the bravery and resolve exhibited in the past few days, because without it, we cannot prevail together.

With strength and solidarity,

Members of the Princeton University Class of 2021

Amy Abdalla
Nora Aguiar
Haeley Ahn
Nathan Alam
Benjamin AlessioNsomma AlilonuJack AllenAmy Amatya

Amna Amin

Samantha Anderson

Annie Anezakis

Equia Aniagyei-Cobbold

Celia Aranda

Somya Arora

Zaza Asatiani

Ysabel Ayala

Aaron Balleisen

Regan Louise Barney

Ziv Batscha

Maggie Baughman

Tyler Bennett

Bevin Benson

Kiplimo Bethwel

Fergus A Binnie

Sophie Blue

Kaitlyn Bolin

Avi Boppana

Matthew Butler

Sophia Cai

Brandon Callegari

Chris Callegari

Morgan Carmen

Jonathan Carr

Annie Carroll

Kennedy Casey

Aydan Büşra Çelik

Nicolas Chae

Chesley Chan

Isabelle Chandler

Nisha Chandra

Kavya Chandran

Ashley Chang

Diana Chao

Gabby Chapman

Kelton Chastuli

Isabelle Kuziel

Madison Lai

Lap Hei Lam

Max Land

Emily Lang

Hoi Lam Lau

Min Lee

Christy Lee

Jasper Lee

Young Kyung Grace Lee

Rachel Lee

Victoria Lee

Katherine Leggat-Barr

Alec Leng

Kathryn Leung

Sophie Li

Annie Liang

Tiffany Mei-Shie Lim

Daniel Liu

Irina Liu

Siyang Liu

Chase Lovgren

Jasmine Lu

Iman Lulla

Jean Luo

Hannah Lutz

Jessica Ma

Anna Macknick

Vrinda Madan

Trisha Madhavan

Catherine Mahoney

Christian Maines

Mohammed Mannan

Sydney Maple

Cai Markham

Sabrina Marques

Kiersten Marr

Madeleine Marr

Clare Martin

Leopoldo Solis Martinez

Tom Martinson

Grace Masback

Katharine Matthias

Lauren McGrath

Daniel Yao

Anika Yardi

Emily Yin

Kelvin Yu

Kavya Chaturvedi
Brandy Chen
Carmen Chen
Koert Chen
Roger ChenEmily ChengEmily ChestonLawrence Chiang

Hee Joo Choi

Lucy Chuang

Zyanne Clay-Hubbard

Jessica Cobian

Krystal Cohen

Eliana Cohen-Orth

Nicholas Coleburn

Grace Collins

Elise Colter

Marina Cooper

Nicholas Cooper

Fabiola Corral

Camila Correa

Cerina Corrigan

Abraham Cruz

Maressa Cumbermack

Michaela Daniel

Noah Daniel

Diana Dayoub

Shanaz Deen

Krystal Delnoce

Arjun Devraj

Kimberly Ding

Yinzhi Dong

Emily Downey

Sarah Du

Kalyana Duggal

Sanjana Duggirala

Brandon Dunlevy

Ilene E

Collin Eaddy

Maya Eashwaran

Jack Edmondson

Stacey Edmonsond

Eden Efrem

Alice Egar

Amanda Eisenhour

Zhamoyani McMillan

Jazzmin McMyers

Jane Mentzinger

Carly Millenson

Noam Miller

Dylan Mittag

Masha Miura

Fumika Mizuno

Andrews Montoya

Christina Moon

Cierra Moore

Daniel Moreno

Emiri Morita

Angelika Morris

Rachel Mrkaich

Ali Munson

Maharan Murshed

Fairuz Nawar

Anna Nguyen

Alyssa Nguyen

Linh Nguyen

Minh-Thi Nguyen

Tommy Nguyen

Kalyn Nix

Tavaris Noel

Lucy Norton

Natalie O'Leary

Kevin O'Toole

Nina Onyemeziem

Amy Opara

Claire Orare

Jonathan A. Ort

Noah Pacis

Sahan Paliskara

Jessica Pan

Chitra Parikh

Emma Parish

Jinn Park

Elizabeth Parker

Sofia Pauca

Maddie Pendolino

Noel Peng

Sarah Perkins

Adam Petno

MaryAnn Placheril

William Xocoy

Amy Xu

Christina Xu

Raymond Xu

Anna Yang

Maddie Wu

Sarah Elkordy
Megan Erdozain
Anglory Morel Espinal
Sophie Evans
Ricky Feig
Tim FengBeatrice FergusonEmma FerrandinoDoruntina Fida

Jessica Fielding

Peter Fisher

Tessa Flanagan

Christian Flores

Brian Foster

Benjamin Freeman

Ned Furlong

Glenna Jane Galarion

Jasmin Gao

Edward Gartner

Jacob Gerrish

Kiara Gilbert

Sher Gill

Niko Gjaja

Ethan Glattfelder

Christopher Gliwa

Avery Goldinger

Sydney Goldman

Lydia Gompper

Victoria Gonzalez

Jamie Goodwin

Tori Gorton

Nina Grant

Isabel Griffith-Gorgati

Victor Guan

Emma Guare

Carson Gutierrez

Ameya Hadap

Sara Hailu

Cristina Hain

Michael Hauge

Cameron Hayes

Gabriela Hayward-Lara

Lydia V. Headley

Jordan Heinzel-Nelson

Grace Hong

Carlotta Platt

Claudia Popescu

Melanie Porras

Dorian Pousont

Michael Psenka

Anna Qin

Jason Qu

Reginald Quartey

Conor D. Rachlin

Kamila Radjabova

Seyoon Ragavan

Jacob Raghoobar

Enver Ramadani

Sofía Briones Ramírez

Kiersten Rasberry

Hari Raval

Emily Reinhold

George Rettaliata

Jeremy Reya

Lily Rezai

Alexandra Rice

Michael Rodriguez

Mia Rosini

Benjamin H. Ryu

Emily Ryu

Gargi Sadalgekar

Nikhita Salgame

Tom Salotti

Akash Samant

Lauren Sanchez

Lourdes Santiago

Mark Schleifer

Nicholas Schmeller

Madison Schwab

Gregory Terrell Seabrooks

Sabrina Sequeira

Aditya Shah

Aparna Shankar

Samantha Shapiro

Emily Sharp

Martin K. Shaw

Beverly Shen

Lexis Sherron

Nanako Shirai

Sten O. Sjöberg

Thea Zalabak

Sharon Zhang

Dorothy Zhao

Alexander Zhu

Felicia Zhu

Zemima Hossain
Sydney Hsu
Michael Hu
Sophia Hu
Christine HuVictor HuaSarah HultmanLabib Hussain

Daniel Q. Huynh

Mikako Inaba

Azmaine Iqtidar

Tanzina Islam

Alec Israeli

Dana Iverson

Alex Jacobson

Hana Jiang

Marcus Jonas

Jeanna Joseph

Rohan Joshi

Ethan Kahn

Shir Kalati

Julie Kallini

Jimin Kang

Alex Kaplan

Nikoo Karbassi

Zoe Kassinis

Kirsten Keels

Shafaq Khan

Sean Kim

Janie Kim

Daniel Kim

Daniel T. Kim

Hye Jee Kim

Julie Kim

Dylan Kim

Andrew Kim

Joseph Kim

Minjae Kim

Lucy Kloeppel

Bo Hyun Kong

Fatomata Konteh

Arjun Sai Krishnan

Shreyas Kumar

Jonathan Kutasov

Dina Kuttab

Hannah Smalley

Owen Smith

Anna Soltys

Annie Song

Nathan Spilker

Morgan Smith

Natalie Stein

Daniel Strayer

Annie Sullivan-Crowley

Tiffany Sun

Ryan Sung

Hanna Szabo

Emily Taggart

Aisha Tahir

Victoria Talvola

Diana Tang

Charlotte Tausche

Auset Taylor

Alexander Taylor-Lash

Keely Toledo

Theodore Trevisan

Ivy Truong

Courtney Tseng

Gabriella Tummolo

Andrew Bryan Louis Tye

Kaley Ubellacker

Leila Ullmann

Jackson Vail

Sam van der Jagt

Joao C. Vargas

Isaac Velasquez

S. Christian Venturella

Alexandra Veyne

Anna Vinitsky

Billy Wade

Jacob Walrath

Chris Walton

Wilbur Wang

Eileen Wang

Michelle Han Wang

Florence Wang

Abraham Waserstein

Amy Watsky

Cy Watsky

Isla Burrell Weber

Sophia Winograd

Nicholas Wooldridge

Andrew Wu

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